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Helping Children Heal
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Helping Children Heal - $20,000 $0.00
Support mental health services to heal the trauma children have endured. Help fund our mental health services and make a lasting difference in a traumatized child's life. We can't think of a more important contribution to a child's life.

Helping Children Heal - $15,000 $0.00
Help us maintain the incredible facility at 1 Mt. Hope Avenue, where all of our work with children and families takes place. From our bright and welcoming reception area, to our state of the art interview rooms, we depend on your support to make sure children are comfortable every step of the way. Help us maintain this critical community resource.

Helping Children Heal - $10,000 $0.00
Help purchase and maintain our secure digital recording equipment which allows children to tell their story of abuse only once, in the presence of a trained forensic interviewer who is able to preserve the disclosure for use in investigation and prosecution. This technology is evolving as we speak, and we are committed to updating our equipment continuously to ensure the best possible experience for the children we serve as we strive for healing and justice.

Helping Children Heal - $5,000 $0.00
Support the training of Bivona's staff so they provide the most advanced services available in the field of child abuse. Our forensic interviewers and family advocates are continuously updating their skills to meet more and more complex challenges - help them continue to be the best in this community by supporting their training.

Helping Children Heal - $2011.00 - Sponsor a Child $0.00
Provide hope and sponsor one child who comes to Bivona seeking safety and healing from our Multidisciplinary Team of highly trained professionals. Sponsoring a child provides them with the full suite of services offered to children and families including a forensic interview, a medical exam, mental health services, and a family advocate. Team members work together to provide the child and family with the support services they need – all the way through trial and beyond.

Helping Children Heal - $1,000 $0.00
Provide prevention education for one elementary school classroom of 25 children, teaching them the interpersonal skills to keep themselves safe. We are proud of our growing partnership with school districts and are in 16 school districts this school year.

Helping Children Heal - $500 $0.00
Help us keep our team healthy by supporting our wellness activities! We bring a psychologist on site to provide direct support services and host other wellness activities all year round – help us do right by our team.

Helping Children Heal - $250 $0.00
Provide household necessities for a family displaced by violence. The discovery of child abuse can cause families to leave their homes and lose the support of one parent's income. We regularly provide household necessities such as bedding, furniture, kitchenware, and clothing. Help us get families settled.

Helping Children Heal - $100 $0.00
Help us respond to emergencies through our client “wish list" items of emergency support for the families we see. Every day is different at Bivona Child Advocacy Center, with many different needs for the families we serve - help us never say "I wish we could have helped".
Registration opens: Tuesday, November 30, 2021

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I authorize The Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2022 Hope Rising Gala. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to our Sponsors!